Location & Map - Bodhi Serene Hotel - Chiang Mai

Here you will find the location & map to the Bodhi Serene Hotel which is located in Chiang Mai Province in Thailand in the city by the same name and it is just a 1 hour flight from Bangkok, or a 8 bus ride or if you are adventurous a 10 hour train ride. Bodhi Serene Hotel is located within the old city walls of downtown Chiang Mai surrounded by many ancient temples and is a mere 15 minutes from the airport, the train station as well as the bus terminal. It is also visually and architecturally stunning with an exotic Lanna style influenced by Chinese designs.

The Bodhi Serene Hotel in Chiang Mai is also located close to Tha Pae Gate in the heart of the city and is just 10 minutes from the renowned Night Bazaar. Below and to your right you will find our exact location & map. We are looking forward to having you as our guest.

Latitude: 18.784612
Longitude: 98.990581

Location & Map - Bodhi Serene Hotel - Chiang Mai

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